Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Scales going back down?

Jumped on the scales for my mid week weigh in (I know, norti... ) but I was dying to see how I was going, cos I feel a little skinnier, and I'm happy to report that the scales are down to 104.3kg and I'm coming up to TTOM next week. Normally I stay around the same weight for 2-3 weeks and then drop a large amount just after TTOM. Sooooooo if my body keeps doing what it's supposed to be doing, then next weekend (5th May) I should receive a good result on the scales. I guess it's just so frustrating when you don't see a drop every week..

Anyhoo, enough rambling. BIG thanks to Veronica who made me feel soooooooo much better from her comment she left. THANK YOU!

I overate last night. I had 1/2 a piece of garlic bread, 1 few chips (which reaaaaaaally seem to fill me up) and a plate of pasta. I really should have just had the pasta and no chips/bread.. but it was so long between entree and main I really couldn't wait... felt the need to PB a couple of times, but managed to keep it down.. but was in a bit of pain some of the time... I'm still learning to not eat as much, but as they keep saying, my brain hasn't been banded. It will take some time... but I am learning.. slowly.

Happy ANZAC day everyone.

Lest we forget

LBG xx

1 comment:

Lap Band Reney said...


Keep going, keep doing what you are doing you are truly an inspiration!!!

Reney (Irene)