Thursday, April 26, 2007

Feeling skinny today!

Jumped on the scales to see it flash at 104.1kg and I am coming up to TTOM which is normally the time I would gain a little weight because of fluid retention. I am planning to skip TTOM next week cos I've got a few things on and I so couldn't be bothered dealing with the crimson tide next week... so it will be interesting to see if my weight drops anymore without having TTOM.

Diet was great yesterday, managed to stay in some sort of routine - the public holiday was not going to give me license to eat whatever I liked. I even baked some chocolate chip muffins (99% fat free) and enjoyed one for afternoon tea. Must admit, it was tough to eat and took me around 30 mins with a cup of tea to get it down. Sticky perhaps?? Still delicious and made me real full. Actually I ate heaps yesterday - BF: Optifast and herbal tea, MT: dolmades and cupasoup, L: Lean Cuisine Lasagne, AT: Muffin with tea and Dinner was two pieces of pizza (1/4 of a 12" pizza) at 250kcal and I chopped up some carrot and cucumber to add some veges into the mix. Was real full after that. I even resisted a magnum just before bedtime!!! Go me!

Have a great day everyone! Thanks for the comment Reney!

LBG xx

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