Since coming off the pill in June 09 I haven't had a period. No, not pregnant, but not sure what the hell is going on. Had a blood test a couple of weeks ago and the result is that I have low Oestrogen and Progesteron levels (the two female hormones that fluctuate throughout the month and are required for a health pregnancy). I'm booked in to have an ultrasound next Tuesday to see what's going on with my insides. Basically they're going to look to see if I have any follicles (or eggs in waiting) in my ovaries, and also to see if I am able to develop naturally a lining in my uterus that could potentially support a growing egg should that egg eventually become fertilised. Confused yet?
Now, since I'm a medical type person (I earnt myself a Masters of Medical Science a couple of years ago and am working in Clinical Trials now).. I've been reading up and analysing what a low hormone means to me. Basically I freaked myself out - as I read that there is a chance that this low hormone combo means I might be in early menopause. Then again, if I have eggs in my ovaries (which the ultrasound should pick up if I do) then I can still get pregnant with a little help from the medical community or I could fall preggers naturally. But I still freaked myself out and am now feeling a little down about the whole thing (well worried mostly and not knowing doesn't help!).
The upside (if you can have an upside) is that my low oestrogen levels are actually preventing me from losing weight. Low oestrogen levels have been associated with weight gain (as you know women going through menopause have the problem with weight gain!)... so there could be an explination as to why I've plateaued so severely over the past year...
Like I said, it's early days... and I'm hoping that everything goes ok next tuesday for my ultrasound. I will discuss my results with my doctor on 21st September, so will let you know how it all goes.
Have a lovely Thursday!
LBG xx
I think it is great that you are gettinga clearer picture of what is happening. Hopefully the hormones will sort themselves and you can continue with your weightloss.
oh you poor thing how stressful! I'm sure everything will work out though! Fingers crossed for you!
Em :)
You poor saus, everythings happening for you at once. At least you are getting a handle on it now. I hope the hormone thing sorts quickly so you can concentrate on what matters for right now. Weight loss! x
Wow, that sure is stressful. I hope that everything turns out all right for you. I am sure it will. Think positive and have faith!!-K.T.
Hormones suck majorly.... I know....I have PCOS....
Are you finding that being off the pill your band is playing up with the hormone issues?
Oh poor you, hormones are the pits!
Hope things work out
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