Friday, July 2, 2010

Almost human again...

We've been back home for 5 days now and I have to say, it's amazing what a few hours of uninterrupted sleep can do for you. Granted, the sleeping tends to be done in the middle of the day, it's still soooooooo good to not have people come in and interrupt you, weird noises and other things that happen in hospital.

DS seems to like to sleep mostly during the day, so I try to have a good 2-3 hour sleep in the afternoon. Then feed him around 4-5pm, make dinner and chillax with DH until DS wakes for a feed at 8-9pm. Then I go to bed and feed DS around 11pm, 2am and 5am. DS is sleeping well during the day... I have to wake him for feeds and so I'm trying to get his night/day sleep cycles sorted cos they are backwards at the moment.

On the weight loss front... I'm down to 97.1kg... that's a loss of 8.9kg!! Yes, I am thrilled. I feel really soft and squidgy at the moment so I'm sure that my clothes don't fit exactly right. But that's OK cos I'm still wearing my maternity pants. They are ALOT looser though. My boobs are HUGE at the moment. I am breastfeeding exclusively and have gone up a couple of cup sizes... having huge boobs does have it's upside... they make my waist look smaller! hehe

I'm really not trying at all with my diet. Still have restriction, but not watching the calories at all. Just making sure I am drinking heaps of water. I am also going to try and get out for walks in the morning, just waiting for some more healing downstairs... it's also so friggen COLD right now!

And just as I give birth to my Baby, I have to send out a big congratulations to EM who has just found out she is pregnant (and also has a lapband!). YAY EM!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months!

Thanks for reading!

And here is a photo of my precious little angel:

LBG xx


Em said...

ohh what a cutie - although he doesn't seem to impressed to be having his pic taken!! He looks like he's thinking "Seriously mum!"

You've lost 9kgs??? Wow.. So if I don't put on any weight I'll end up into the 60kg's mark! hahahah! yeah likely bloody story!

Have already gone back and re-read your blog from when you first found out you were preggers. I'll be sure to shoot about a billion q's your way!

Have fun and enjoy your sleep when you get some!


THE DASH! said...

Oh he's absolutely beautiful. Look at all that hair!! What did you call him?
Lack of sleep is the worst of it - but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Huge congrats again.