Saturday, November 28, 2009

1/4 of the way through!

Hey all!

Sorry I've been AWOL over the past 2 weeks. Busy at work, not so busy at home but just not wanting to get on the computer when I am home from work.
Not much has happened... I'm still pregnant, now at 9 weeks 6 days today. The Nausea settled down this week and because of that my band is a little less restrictive and I can eat more food. I'm just not all that hungry and when I think about food I feel sick. I'm hungry and nauseous at the same time, I didn't think it was possible!

Haven't been exercising over the past 2 weeks. Really haven't been feeling like it, so tired. Will get into it once I hit the second trimester in 2 weeks, cos thats when I'm meant to be feeling more energetic.

I have an obgyn appointment this thurdsay and I'm hoping I'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. and then in the next couple of weeks we'll get to go for an ultrasound and actually see a properly formed human on the screen! SO EXCITED! :)

I haven't put on much weight and the weight I have put on is more fluid than fat. My boobs have gone up a whole cup size and I'm in a D cup maternity bra now! *eek* The Mat bras are Sooooooooooooooooo much more comfortable than regular bras.. so glad I bought them.
my belly has expanded, although I still look like I've eaten a few too many doughnuts than I'm actually pregnant. None of my regular pants now fit and I seem to be wearing the same 2 pairs of pants for work each week! Looking forward until I am actually showing and look pregnant, rather than just fat... especially when I can't suck my guts in any more!!!

Hope everyone is well in blogland! Will post after my appt this week to let you know how I get on.

LBG xx


THE DASH! said...

Wow! I was wondering how you were travelling with the pregnancy - sounds like everything is going to schedule. Looking forward to hearing how the scan went.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your pregnancy. I've read your blog from beginning to now, and you've inspired me a great deal and answered so many questions I didn't even know I had. Thanks for being so open and honest during your process. I really appreciate it!

Good luck with the baby! I'm so excited for you!

Diz said...

Wow, what fantastic news! I hope everything goes well and you get lots of ultrasound pictures of the baby!

Anonymous said...

Yay, sounds like everything is going well. Will you let the whole world know after your 12 weeks?