On 12th June 2012 I welcomed my second little boy to the world after only a 3.5 hour induced labour! I'll publish my birth story soon.
He arrived at 12:15pm weighing 8lb 3oz and 52cm tall. Can't believe he's almost 2 weeks old now!
My family is now complete. My lapband played a massive part in me being able to fall and stay pregnant after losing weight. I have gained alot of it back, but I'm not too fussed at the moment. Plan is to wait 6 weeks and then revisit my weight loss goals. At the moment, I'm just enjoying my babies..
For now, I'm all about norishing my body with good foods to help with breastfeeding (which is going AWESOME by the way!).. I gained 13kg this pregnancy and have already lost 8kg of that weight in 12 days. Hope that downwards trend continues for a while longer yet!
My lapband, while it has a little less fill than normal, is still working.. and I still struggle alot with breakfast foods.. I really only eat one meal a day (dinner) mostly because I'm just so darn busy with my kids now I don't have alot of time to eat a "proper" meal. I usually just eat what my 2 year old eats... my problem is that I snack throughout the day and don't track any calories. Also, my carb intake is more than it should be and I really want to get back to the more paleo primal way of eating.
I have all these thoughts going on in my head about posts and really want to get back into blogging. Not sure how much time I'll have, but I do plan to blog more often!
Anyway, thanks for reading!
LBG xx